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The State of the Gen Z Vote


Understanding Gen Z's Influence on the 2024 Election

Gen Z, born between 1997 and 2012, is poised to play a significant role in the upcoming 2024 election. Unlike baby boomers, this generation places less importance on patriotism, religious faith, and starting families, which marks a notable shift in societal values.

The turnout of Gen Z voters could be pivotal in the 2024 election. Historically, voter turnout is lowest among those under 30, while older voters show consistently higher turnout rates. However, Gen Z showed increased turnout in 2022, particularly in swing states like Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

The differences between Gen Z and older generations, such as baby boomers (born 1946-1964), are stark. Gen Z is significantly less likely to view patriotism, religion, and family as essential. Additionally, they are more skeptical about the idea of America being the best place to live.

While baby boomers prioritize financial security and family support, and Generation X (born 1965-1980) values stability and financial success, Gen Z focuses on pursuing passions and achieving personal goals. Despite these generational differences, skepticism about the inherent benefits of hard work is common across the board.

Gen Z and millennials (born 1981-1996) also recognize systemic barriers to success, particularly for people of color, more so than older generations.

A defining characteristic of Gen Z is their lack of trust in public institutions. Over the past decade, trust among Americans under 30 has dropped significantly across various institutions, including the presidency, Congress, the federal government, the Supreme Court, Wall Street, the news media, and the military.

Only 40% of Americans under 30 view capitalism positively, compared to 73% of those 65 and older. Moreover, Gen Z has less trust in their fellow citizens' willingness to make minor sacrifices for the common good.

Though Gen Z tends to lean toward the Democratic Party, many identify as independents or partisan leaners. They express a desire for a broader political spectrum and see fewer differences between Democrats and Republicans.

Currently, Biden leads Trump among likely voters under 30 by 56% to 37%, according to the Harvard Youth Poll. However, enthusiasm levels vary, with only 44% of Biden's supporters feeling enthusiastic compared to 76% of Trump's supporters. As the election approaches, understanding the unique values and experiences of Gen Z will be crucial for candidates to develop effective campaign strategies.


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